
To leave us feedback, complete the below form.  For General Enquiries, Registrations or Repeat Prescriptions please see our other forms:

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Our aim is to offer the highest possible level of client care and veterinary service in the area, delivered by a highly trained team in modern well-equipped premises, whilst always acting in the best interest of our patients.

Comments and suggestions

We are always happy to receive comments on the service that we have provided you and suggestions on how to improve it in the future. Please speak to whomever this may concern, or preferably email your comments/suggestions to

Complaints and standards 

However, should you have concerns, please speak initially to the veterinary surgeon or to a senior member of our nursing team. It should be possible to resolve most problems at this level. More serious complaints must be addressed in writing to our practice manager Gill Tansey –

We will not tolerate any aggressive, or abusive behaviour to any team member, at any time. Any client behaving in such a way will be asked to leave the premises immediately and will then be notified in writing that they must find an alternative veterinary practice